The Wolfsspitz, also called the Keeshond, is a medium-sized dog with a plush, two-layer coat of silver and black with a ruff and a curled tail. It originated in Holland and its closest relatives are the German Spitz dogs such as Grossspitz, Mittelspitz, Kleinspitz, Zwergspitz or Pomeranian.

One word people hear over and over again about the Wolfsspitz is: Loyalty
He has served his people as a guard dog for centuries and still has these qualities today. He was neither fearful nor overly aggressive. He loves his people. The Wolfsspitz is affectionate and should never be left alone for too long. As a rule, however, you can take him anywhere, because he is calm and balanced. The sociable Wolfsspitz also gets along well with children. Other pets usually have no problem with him. In our house they grow up with cats, guinea pigs and rabbits. When I go for a ride on my horse, Wolfsspitz also accompanies me.
He gets along well with other dogs, but he does not need them. His human is enough for him. His will to please and be loved is extremely high. He is also docile and intelligent. He is naturally suspicious of strangers at first, but if his people do not show any danger, he quickly thaws. In his alertness he is not a yapper, and with consistent training it will stay that way.
In training, one must proceed with loving consistency. The Wolfsspitz, who just wants to be loved, does not tolerate harshness and too much strictness.
A Wolfsspitz is open to all activities where he can be with his humans. It doesn't matter to him whether you take him for longs walk, engage him in intensive dog sports such as agility, or even train him as a tracking or rescue dog. But he is not a bored dog who only lies on the sofa. He needs sufficient daily exercise to stay balanced.
Wolfsspitze are very robust dogs, the breed was spared from overbreeding and the resulting diseases. As a rule, however, Wolfsspitze are healthy animals that can live a good 15 years.
The dense, rough, long coat requires regular grooming. You should therefore brush your Wolfsspitz daily, especially during the change of coat, so that no knots and tangles arise. Otherwise 1-2 times a week are enough, as long as you brush the whole body.
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